@php $total_perf_media_amt = 0; $total_perf_media_tax = 0; $total_perf_media_disc = 0; $total_perf_media_net = 0; $total_perf_media_gross = 0; @endphp
{{ $start_date }} to {{ $end_date }}
Generate Time: @php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s') @endphp
Time Criteria: Day After Sales
Total Sales Type: Net Sales
Payment Type: All
@for($x = 0; $x < count($BID); $x++)Outlet: {{ $value }} ({{ $key }})
@endif @endforeachDate: {{ $perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['c_dd'] }} | |
Information | Amount |
{{ $perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['media'] }} | {{ number_format($perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['amt'],2) }} |
TAX | {{ number_format($perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['tax'],2) }} |
DISCOUNT | {{ number_format($perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['disc'],2) }} |
NET SALES | {{ number_format($perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['net'],2) }} |
GROSS SALES | {{ number_format($perf_media_collection[$i][$j]['gross'],2) }} |
Total Amount: RM {{$total_perf_media_amt}}
Total Tax: RM {{$total_perf_media_tax}}
Total Discount: RM {{$total_perf_media_disc}}
Total Net: RM {{$total_perf_media_net}}
Total Gross: RM {{$total_perf_media_gross}}
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